market analysis & research
Market Analysis & Research
We consider that professional performance of Business Intelligent Services was at our expected level, the collaboration being distinguished by professionalism and credibility. The elaborated study will be an important tool for BC Moldova-Agroindbank SA management in making strategic decisions, in optimizing and upgrading the territorial network and sales points.
Serghei Cebotari, Chairman of the Executive Committee
BC Moldova-Agroindbank SA
Market Analysis and Research is a “must have” service in a continuously changing and highly competitive business environment. By compelling the complex and deep sectoral studies, through various competitive surveys and market researches, we help companies to ultimately increase their performance and profits.
In our efforts to identify, predict and quantify the market developments,
we make use of various research toolkits consisting of elements such as focus groups, in-depth interviews with industry stakeholders or on-site researches. We manage and keep updated our in-house complex data management system.
The specialized expertise in this field includes, but not limited to:
- Demand analysis and factors affecting demand
- Consumers’ profile
- Market structure
- Competitors’ market shares vs. client positioning and reserves for growth
- Identifying the key-players and competition level
- Internal production capacity vs. imports
- Global, regional and local trends
new landing products launched based on market studies developed by BIS
entrepreneurs interviewed over the last 5 years
Our clients